Discover the latest innovations in
Aesthetic and Functional Gynecology, Cosmetic Surgery and Bioregenerative Medicine.
Upgrading your
medical education
Medicine evolves rapidly with new technological developments supported by scientific studies to improve the quality of life of people.
ICAM USA and Dr. Leibaschoff offer doctors different choices for training programs in Cosmetic Surgery, Aesthetic Gynecology, and Bioregenerative Medicine.
Cursos online en vivo grupales o individuales
Aprenda y/o actualice sus conocimientos desde la comodidad de su oficina

Video grabaciones de cursos online y video demostraciones del paso a paso
PDF + Diploma + Video conferencia de 1 hora para preguntas y dudas con el Dr. Gustavo Leibaschoff

Supervisión de procedimientos online
Supervisión guiada de procedimientos en vivo a través de cámara online.

Entrenamientos prácticos Hands-On, uno a uno
Profundice sus conocimientos en Ginecología Estética y Funcional, Cirugía Cosmética y Medicina Bioregenerativa
Organización de simposios y workshops en su país
Ofrecemos todo nuestro know-how para hacer de su evento una enriquecedora experiencia
Soporte Científico y Consultoría
Colaboración científica y apoyo en el proceso de desarrollo de nuevos métodos de tratamiento
Live online courses with video demonstrations
Maximize the learning experience. Don't interrupt your workdays. Repeat the video demonstrations as many times as you need. Direct communication with Dr. Leibaschoff without leaving your office. You choose the modality

Online supervising procedures
Guided supervision of live procedures through an online camera

Hands-On hybrid training
Learn or update your knowledge in Aesthetic and Functional Gynecology, Cosmetic Surgery, and Bioregenerative Medicine
We organize Symposiums and workshops in your country
We offer our know-how to make your event an enriching experience
Scientific Support and Consulting
Scientific assistance and support in the process of developing new techniques and treatments
Dr. Gustavo Leibaschoff

Dr. Gustavo Leibaschoff
He is a Gynecologist, Cosmetic Surgeon, and a pioneer educator in Cosmetic Surgery, Aesthetic and Functional Gynecology, and Bioregenerative Medicine.
He has more than 35 years of experience organizing, leading courses and workshops, and training other colleagues worldwide. He is a renowned international speaker.
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